Monday, January 12, 2009

F1r5t P05t!!111!!!eleven!1!!!!!

Wow. My first blog. Or blag. Or whatever.

So yeah, I've been mulling this over for a while. The main reason I'm doing this is to get the real story out there about the band. Not just what you've read in some newspaper, or what you've heard in some rumor, or what you see at the game. I've been in the middle of this since before it was a mess. And now I want to take you on the inside.

I decided to name this thing fighting entropy. Entropy, in the most simple of terms, is the tendency of things to change. Physics teaches us that entropy always increases, and as a consequence things tend to go from a more organized state to a more disorganized state. Buildings crumble, Mountains erode, living things die and decay. It's the order of the universe.

With the band, it feels like those of us still working to put things right are fighting change. We don't want to see the band die off, and have been fairly successful in preventing that, but sometimes it feels like we are fighting a losing battle, that things will never be as they were. So in many ways, we are fighting entropy.

But here's the caveat: The band, years and years ago, started from nothing. Entropy always increases in a closed environment, and only overall. Things can become more organized in the real world. So, I'll keep on fighting. And we'll see what will become of our fight against entropy.

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