Sunday, February 8, 2009

Busy days and Sick nights

Well, last night was the second game I've missed this week (and I think the third game ever). Thursday evening I was stuck at home watching Christian (my 5 yo little brother) while my Mom rested and recovered, and also I think I was contracting this thing from her at that time.

Saturday morning it hits me like a ton of bricks. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not the most sure footed person, but then you add dizzyness and light-headedness -- well, the answer was I wasn't even safe to drive. Not a good prospect if you live 35 minutes (driving) from UAH. Add the fever confirmed by the thermometer...yeah, my butt wasn't going anywhere.

ON a much lighter note, you may have noticed I haven't done a blog in a while. That's because me and the rest of the executive board have been really busy. We have been informed, by the commissioner of the Gulf South Conference (the conference for all our non-Hockey sports) that the rules have changed and they would allow bands to the Basketball Tournament. So the Board has been going into overtime trying to figure out how we can get the funds to go. We would like this to be nearly free for our members (students may have to pay for some meals). Which means we have to somehow arrange transport and hotel. Beg borrow and steal time boys.

News will be pending on this I'm sure. Until then, I'm going my butt back to bed and try to get better.

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